The category of functors and natural transformations between two fixed categories. #
We provide the category instance on C ⥤ D
, with morphisms the natural transformations.
Universes #
If C
and D
are both small categories at the same universe level,
this is another small category at that level.
However if C
and D
are both large categories at the same universe level,
this is a small category at the next higher level.
functor.category C D
gives the category structure on functors and natural transformations
between categories C
and D
Notice that if C
and D
are both small categories at the same universe level,
this is another small category at that level.
However if C
and D
are both large categories at the same universe level,
this is a small category at the next higher level.
- category_theory.functor.category C D = {to_category_struct := {to_quiver := {hom := λ (F G : C ⥤ D), category_theory.nat_trans F G}, id := λ (F : C ⥤ D), F, comp := λ (_x _x_1 _x_2 : C ⥤ D) (α : _x ⟶ _x_1) (β : _x_1 ⟶ _x_2), category_theory.nat_trans.vcomp α β}, id_comp' := _, comp_id' := _, assoc' := _}
A natural transformation is a monomorphism if each component is.
A natural transformation is an epimorphism if each component is.
hcomp α β
is the horizontal composition of natural transformations.
Flip the arguments of a bifunctor. See also currying.lean