Continuous bundled maps #
In this file we define the type continuous_map
of continuous bundled maps.
We use the fun_like
design, so each type of morphisms has a companion typeclass which is meant to
be satisfied by itself and all stricter types.
- to_fun : α → β
- continuous_to_fun : continuous self.to_fun . "continuity'"
The type of continuous maps from α
to β
When possible, instead of parametrizing results over (f : C(α, β))
you should parametrize over {F : Type*} [continuous_map_class F α β] (f : F)
When you extend this structure, make sure to extend continuous_map_class
- to_fun_like : fun_like F α (λ (_x : α), β)
- map_continuous : ∀ (f : F), continuous ⇑f
continuous_map_class F α β
states that F
is a type of continuous maps.
You should extend this class when you extend continuous_map
- continuous_map.has_coe_t = {coe := λ (f : F), {to_fun := ⇑f, continuous_to_fun := _}}
Continuous maps #
- continuous_map.continuous_map_class = {to_fun_like := {coe := continuous_map.to_fun _inst_2, coe_injective' := _}, map_continuous := _}
Helper instance for when there's too many metavariables to apply fun_like.has_coe_to_fun
Copy of a continuous_map
with a new to_fun
equal to the old one. Useful to fix definitional
- f.copy f' h = {to_fun := f', continuous_to_fun := _}
Deprecated. Use map_continuous
Deprecated. Use map_continuous_at
Deprecated. Use fun_like.congr_fun
Deprecated. Use fun_like.congr_arg
- continuous_map.inhabited = {default := {to_fun := λ (_x : α), default, continuous_to_fun := _}}
The continuous functions from α
to β
are the same as the plain functions when α
is discrete.
The identity as a continuous map.
- α = {to_fun := id α, continuous_to_fun := _}
The constant map as a continuous map.
- continuous_map.const α b = {to_fun := function.const α b, continuous_to_fun := _}
The composition of continuous maps, as a continuous map.
Given two continuous maps f
and g
, this is the continuous map x ↦ (f x, g x)
Given two continuous maps f
and g
, this is the continuous map (x, y) ↦ (f x, g y)
Abbreviation for product of continuous maps, which is continuous
- continuous_map.pi f = {to_fun := λ (a : A) (i : I), ⇑(f i) a, continuous_to_fun := _}
The restriction of a continuous function α → β
to a subset s
of α
- continuous_map.restrict s f = {to_fun := ⇑f ∘ coe, continuous_to_fun := _}
A family φ i
of continuous maps C(S i, β)
, where the domains S i
contain a neighbourhood
of each point in α
and the functions φ i
agree pairwise on intersections, can be glued to
construct a continuous map in C(α, β)
- continuous_map.lift_cover S φ hφ hS = {to_fun := set.lift_cover S (λ (i : ι), ⇑(φ i)) hφ _, continuous_to_fun := _}
A family F s
of continuous maps C(s, β)
, where (1) the domains s
are taken from a set A
of sets in α
which contain a neighbourhood of each point in α
and (2) the functions F s
pairwise on intersections, can be glued to construct a continuous map in C(α, β)
The forward direction of a homeomorphism, as a bundled continuous map.
- e.to_continuous_map = {to_fun := ⇑e, continuous_to_fun := _}