mathlib documentation


The alias command #

This file defines an alias command, which can be used to create copies of a theorem or definition with different names.


/-- doc string -/
alias my_theorem  alias1 alias2 ...

This produces defs or theorems of the form:

/-- doc string -/
@[alias] theorem alias1 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem

/-- doc string -/
@[alias] theorem alias2 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem

Iff alias syntax:

alias A_iff_B  B_of_A A_of_B
alias A_iff_B  ..

This gets an existing biconditional theorem A_iff_B and produces the one-way implications B_of_A and A_of_B (with no change in implicit arguments). A blank _ can be used to avoid generating one direction. The .. notation attempts to generate the 'of'-names automatically when the input theorem has the form A_iff_B or A_iff_B_left etc.

meta def tactic.alias.mk_iff_mp_app (iffmp : name) :
expr(expr)tactic expr
meta def tactic.alias.alias_iff (d : declaration) (doc : string) (al iffmp : name) :

The alias command can be used to create copies of a theorem or definition with different names.


/-- doc string -/
alias my_theorem  alias1 alias2 ...

This produces defs or theorems of the form:

/-- doc string -/
@[alias] theorem alias1 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem

/-- doc string -/
@[alias] theorem alias2 : <type of my_theorem> := my_theorem

Iff alias syntax:

alias A_iff_B  B_of_A A_of_B
alias A_iff_B  ..

This gets an existing biconditional theorem A_iff_B and produces the one-way implications B_of_A and A_of_B (with no change in implicit arguments). A blank _ can be used to avoid generating one direction. The .. notation attempts to generate the 'of'-names automatically when the input theorem has the form A_iff_B or A_iff_B_left etc.