Congruences modulo a natural number #
This file defines the equivalence relation a ≡ b [MOD n]
on the natural numbers,
and proves basic properties about it such as the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Notations #
a ≡ b [MOD n]
is notation for nat.modeq n a b
, which is defined to mean a % n = b % n
Tags #
modeq, congruence, mod, MOD, modulo
The natural number less than lcm n m
congruent to a
mod n
and b
mod m
- nat.chinese_remainder' h = dite (n = 0) (λ (hn : n = 0), ⟨a, _⟩) (λ (hn : ¬n = 0), dite (m = 0) (λ (hm : m = 0), ⟨b, _⟩) (λ (hm : ¬m = 0), ⟨nat.chinese_remainder'._match_1 (n.xgcd m), _⟩))
- nat.chinese_remainder'._match_1 (c, d) = ((((↑n) * c) * ↑b + ((↑m) * d) * ↑a) / ↑(n.gcd m) % ↑(n.lcm m)).to_nat
The natural number less than n*m
congruent to a
mod n
and b
mod m
- nat.chinese_remainder co a b = nat.chinese_remainder' _
{α : Type u_1}
(a : α)
(n k : ℕ) :
(list.repeat a n).rotate k = list.repeat a n