Partially defined linear maps #
A linear_pmap R E F
is a linear map from a submodule of E
to F
. We define
a semilattice_inf
with order_bot
instance on this this, and define three operations:
defines a partial linear map defined on the span of a singleton.sup
takes two partial linear mapsf
that agree on the intersection of their domains, and returns the unique partial linear map onf.domain ⊔ g.domain
that extends bothf
takes adirected_on (≤)
set of partial linear maps, and returns the unique partial linear map on theSup
of their domains that extends all these maps.
Partially defined maps are currently used in mathlib
to prove Hahn-Banach theorem
and its variations. Namely, linear_pmap.Sup
implies that every chain of linear_pmap
is bounded above.
Another possible use (not yet in mathlib
) would be the theory of unbounded linear operators.
A linear_pmap R E F
is a linear map from a submodule of E
to F
- linear_pmap.has_coe_to_fun = {coe := λ (f : linear_pmap R E F), ⇑(f.to_fun)}
The unique linear_pmap
on R ∙ x
that sends x
to y
. This version works for modules
over rings, and requires a proof of ∀ c, c • x = 0 → c • y = 0
- linear_pmap.mk_span_singleton' x y H = {domain := submodule.span R {x}, to_fun := have H : ∀ (c₁ c₂ : R), c₁ • x = c₂ • x → c₁ • y = c₂ • y, from _, {to_fun := λ (z : ↥(submodule.span R {x})), classical.some _ • y, map_add' := _, map_smul' := _}}
The unique linear_pmap
on span R {x}
that sends a non-zero vector x
to y
This version works for modules over division rings.
- linear_pmap.mk_span_singleton x y hx = linear_pmap.mk_span_singleton' x y _
Projection to the first coordinate as a linear_pmap
- linear_pmap.fst p p' = {domain := p', to_fun := (linear_map.fst R E F).comp ( p').subtype}
Projection to the second coordinate as a linear_pmap
- linear_pmap.snd p p' = {domain := p', to_fun := (linear_map.snd R E F).comp ( p').subtype}
Given two partial linear maps f
, g
, the set of points x
such that
both f
and g
are defined at x
and f x = g x
form a submodule.
- linear_pmap.has_inf = {inf := λ (f g : linear_pmap R E F), {domain := f.eq_locus g, to_fun := f.to_fun.comp (submodule.of_le _)}}
- linear_pmap.semilattice_inf = {inf := has_inf.inf linear_pmap.has_inf, le := has_le.le linear_pmap.has_le, lt := has_le.le, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _}
Given two partial linear maps that agree on the intersection of their domains,
f.sup g h
is the unique partial linear map on f.domain ⊔ g.domain
that agrees
with f
and g
Hypothesis for linear_pmap.sup
holds, if f.domain
is disjoint with g.domain
Extend a linear_pmap
to f.domain ⊔ K ∙ x
- f.sup_span_singleton x y hx = f.sup (linear_pmap.mk_span_singleton x y _) _
Glue a collection of partially defined linear maps to a linear map defined on Sup
of these submodules.
- linear_pmap.Sup c hc = {domain := Sup (linear_pmap.domain '' c), to_fun := classical.some _}
Restrict a linear map to a submodule, reinterpreting the result as a linear_pmap
Compose a linear map with a linear_pmap
Restrict codomain of a linear_pmap
- f.cod_restrict p H = {domain := f.domain, to_fun := linear_map.cod_restrict p f.to_fun H}
Compose two linear_pmap
f.coprod g
is the partially defined linear map defined on f.domain × g.domain
and sending p
to f p.1 + g p.2