mathlib documentation

ideles / ideles_function_field

The group of idèles of a function field #

We define the group of finite idèles and the group of idèles of a function field F, both of which are topological commutative groups.

We also prove that F* can be regarded as a subgroup of I_F_f and I_F and define the idèle class group of F as the quotient I_F/F*. We then show that the ideal class group of F is isomorphic to an explicit quotient of C_F as topological groups, by constructing a continuous surjective group homomorphism from C_F to the ideal class group Cl(F) of F and computing its kernel.

Main definitions #

Main results #

References #

Tags #

idèle group, number field, function field

The idèle group of a function field #

We define the (finite) idèle group of a function field F, with its topological group structure.

def function_field.I_F_f (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

The finite idèle group of the function field F.

def function_field.I_F (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

The idèle group of the function field F.

@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
noncomputable def function_field.I_F.comm_group (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :
@[protected, instance]
@[protected, instance]
noncomputable def function_field.I_F.inhabited (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

I_F is isomorphic to the product I_F_f × ((kt_infty k) ⊗[ratfunc k] F)*, as groups.


I_F is homeomorphic to the product I_F_f × ((kt_infty k) ⊗[ratfunc k] F)*.

noncomputable def {k F : Type} [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] (x : function_field.I_F_f k F) (u : (kt_infty k F)ˣ) :

Construct an idèle of F given a finite idèle and a unit of (kt_infty k) ⊗[ratfunc k] F.


The projection from I_F to I_F_f, as a group homomorphism.


The projection map I_F.fst is surjective.

The projection map I_F.fst is continuous.

noncomputable def function_field.inj_units_F (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

The map from F^* to I_F sending x to ((x)_v, 1 ⊗ x).


inj_units_F is a group homomorphism.

def function_field.C_F (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

The idèle class group of F is the quotient of I_F by the group F* of principal idèles.

@[protected, instance]
noncomputable def function_field.C_F.inhabited (k F : Type) [field k] [field F] [algebra k[X] F] [algebra (ratfunc k) F] [function_field k F] [is_scalar_tower k[X] (ratfunc k) F] [is_separable (ratfunc k) F] :

The v-adic absolute value of the vth component of the idèle x.


The v-adic absolute value of the inverse of the vth component of the idèle x.


For any finite idèle x, there are finitely many maximal ideals v of R for which x_v ∉ R_v or x⁻¹_v ∉ R_v.

For any idèle x, there are finitely many maximal ideals v of R for which x_v ∉ R_v or x⁻¹_v ∉ R_v.

For any idèle x, there are finitely many maximal ideals v of R for which |x_v|_v ≠ 1.

The natural map from I_F_f to the group of invertible fractional ideals of F, sending a finite idèle x to the product ∏_v v^(val_v(x_v)), where val_v denotes the additive v-adic valuation.


A finite idèle x is in the kernel of I_F_f.map_to_fractional_ideals if and only if |x_v|_v = 1 for all v.

An idèle x is in the kernel of I_F_f.map_to_fractional_ideals if and only if |x_v|_v = 1 for all v.

The map from I_F_f to the ideal class group of F induced by I_F_f.map_to_fractional_ideals.


The map from I_F to the ideal class group of K induced by I_F.map_to_fractional_ideals.


The map from I_F to the ideal class group of F induced by I_F.map_to_fractional_ideals is a group homomorphism.


I_F_f.map_to_fractional_ideals sends the principal finite idèle (x)_v corresponding to x ∈ F* to the principal fractional ideal generated by x.

I_F.map_to_fractional_ideals sends the principal idèle (x)_v corresponding to x ∈ F* to the principal fractional ideal generated by x.

The kernel of I_F.map_to_fractional_ideals contains the principal idèles (x)_v, for x ∈ F*.

def' {F : Type u_1} [field F] (k : F) (hk : k 0) :

Every nonzero element in a field is a unit.


If the image of x ∈ I_F under I_F.map_to_class_group is the principal fractional ideal generated by u ∈ F*, then for every maximal ideal v of the ring of integers of F, |x_v|_v = |u|_v.

An element x ∈ I_F is in the kernel of C_F → Cl(F) if and only if there exist u ∈ F* and y ∈ I_F such that x = u*y and |y_v|_v = 1 for all v.

The natural map C_F → Cl(F) is continuous.

An element x ∈ C_F is in the kernel of C_F → Cl(F) if and only if x comes from an idèle of the form u*y, with u ∈ F* and |y_v|_v = 1 for all v.