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Euler's totient function #

This file defines Euler's totient function nat.totient n which counts the number of naturals less than n that are coprime with n. We prove the divisor sum formula, namely that n equals φ summed over the divisors of n. See sum_totient. We also prove two lemmas to help compute totients, namely totient_mul and totient_prime_pow.

def nat.totient (n : ) :

Euler's totient function. This counts the number of naturals strictly less than n which are coprime with n.

theorem nat.totient_zero  :
theorem nat.totient_one  :
theorem nat.totient_le (n : ) :
theorem nat.totient_lt (n : ) (hn : 1 < n) :
theorem nat.totient_pos {n : } :
0 < n0 < n.totient
theorem nat.Ico_filter_coprime_le {a : } (k n : ) (a_pos : 0 < a) :
(finset.filter a.coprime (finset.Ico k (k + n))).card (a.totient) * (n / a + 1)

Note this takes an explicit fintype ((zmod n)ˣ) argument to avoid trouble with instance diamonds.

theorem nat.totient_even {n : } (hn : 2 < n) :
theorem nat.totient_mul {m n : } (h : m.coprime n) :
(m * n).totient = (m.totient) * n.totient
theorem nat.sum_totient (n : ) :
∑ (m : ) in finset.filter (λ (_x : ), _x n) (finset.range n.succ), m.totient = n
theorem nat.totient_prime_pow_succ {p : } (hp : p) (n : ) :
(p ^ (n + 1)).totient = (p ^ n) * (p - 1)

When p is prime, then the totient of p ^ (n + 1) is p ^ n * (p - 1)

theorem nat.totient_prime_pow {p : } (hp : p) {n : } (hn : 0 < n) :
(p ^ n).totient = (p ^ (n - 1)) * (p - 1)

When p is prime, then the totient of p ^ n is p ^ (n - 1) * (p - 1)

theorem nat.totient_prime {p : } (hp : p) :
p.totient = p - 1
theorem nat.totient_mul_of_prime_of_dvd {p n : } (hp : p) (h : p n) :
(p * n).totient = p * n.totient
theorem nat.totient_eq_iff_prime {p : } (hp : 0 < p) :
theorem nat.card_units_zmod_lt_sub_one {p : } (hp : 1 < p) [fintype (zmod p)ˣ] :
theorem nat.totient_two  :

Euler's product formula for the totient function #

We prove several different statements of this formula.

theorem nat.totient_eq_prod_factorization {n : } (hn : n 0) :
n.totient = (λ (p k : ), (p ^ (k - 1)) * (p - 1))

Euler's product formula for the totient function.

theorem nat.totient_mul_prod_factors (n : ) :
(n.totient) * ∏ (p : ) in n.factors.to_finset, p = n * ∏ (p : ) in n.factors.to_finset, (p - 1)

Euler's product formula for the totient function.

theorem nat.totient_eq_div_factors_mul (n : ) :
n.totient = (n / ∏ (p : ) in n.factors.to_finset, p) * ∏ (p : ) in n.factors.to_finset, (p - 1)

Euler's product formula for the totient function.

theorem nat.totient_eq_mul_prod_factors (n : ) :
(n.totient) = (n) * ∏ (p : ) in n.factors.to_finset, (1 - (p)⁻¹)

Euler's product formula for the totient function.