Injective functions #
- to_fun : α → β
- inj' : function.injective self.to_fun
α ↪ β
is a bundled injective function.
- function.embedding_like = {to_fun_like := {coe := function.embedding.to_fun β, coe_injective' := _}, injective' := _}
Convert an α ≃ β
to α ↪ β
This is also available as a coercion equiv.coe_embedding
The explicit equiv.to_embedding
version is preferred though, since the coercion can have issues
inferring the type of the resulting embedding. For example:
-- Works:
example (s : finset (fin 3)) (f : equiv.perm (fin 3)) : f.to_embedding = f := by simp
-- Error, `f` has type `fin 3 ≃ fin 3` but is expected to have type `fin 3 ↪ ?m_1 : Type ?`
example (s : finset (fin 3)) (f : equiv.perm (fin 3)) : f = f.to_embedding := by simp
The identity map as a function.embedding
Transfer an embedding along a pair of equivalences.
- function.embedding.congr e₁ e₂ f = e₁.symm.to_embedding.trans (f.trans e₂.to_embedding)
A right inverse surj_inv
of a surjective function as an embedding
- function.embedding.of_surjective f hf = {to_fun := function.surj_inv hf, inj' := _}
Convert a surjective embedding
to an equiv
- f.equiv_of_surjective hf = equiv.of_bijective ⇑f _
There is always an embedding from an empty type. -
- function.embedding.of_is_empty = {to_fun := is_empty_elim (λ (a : α), β), inj' := _}
Change the value of an embedding f
at one point. If the prescribed image
is already occupied by some f a'
, then swap the values at these two points.
Embedding into option α
using coe
. Usually the correct synctatical form for simp
- function.embedding.coe_option = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, inj' := _}
Embedding into with_top α
- function.embedding.coe_with_top = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, inj' := _}
Equivalence between embeddings of option α
and a sigma type over the embeddings of α
Embedding of a subtype
- function.embedding.subtype p = {to_fun := coe coe_to_lift, inj' := _}
Fixing an element b : β
gives an embedding α ↪ α × β
- function.embedding.sectl α b = {to_fun := λ (a : α), (a, b), inj' := _}
Fixing an element a : α
gives an embedding β ↪ α × β
- function.embedding.sectr a β = {to_fun := λ (b : β), (a, b), inj' := _}
If e₁
and e₂
are embeddings, then so is λ ⟨a, b⟩, ⟨e₁ a, e₂ b⟩ : pprod α γ → pprod β δ
The embedding of α
into the sum α ⊕ β
The embedding of β
into the sum α ⊕ β
as an function.embedding
If f : α ↪ α'
is an embedding and g : Π a, β α ↪ β' (f α)
is a family
of embeddings, then f g
is an embedding.
Define an embedding (Π a : α, β a) ↪ (Π a : α, γ a)
from a family of embeddings
e : Π a, (β a ↪ γ a)
. This embedding sends f
to λ a, e a (f a)
An embedding e : α ↪ β
defines an embedding (γ → α) ↪ (γ → β)
that sends each f
to e ∘ f
- e.arrow_congr_right = function.embedding.Pi_congr_right (λ (_x : γ), e)
An embedding e : α ↪ β
defines an embedding (α → γ) ↪ (β → γ)
for any inhabited type γ
This embedding sends each f : α → γ
to a function g : β → γ
such that g ∘ e = f
g y = default
whenever y ∉ range e
- e.arrow_congr_left = {to_fun := λ (f : α → γ), function.extend ⇑e f (λ (_x : β), default), inj' := _}
Restrict both domain and codomain of an embedding.
- f.subtype_map h = {to_fun := ⇑f h, inj' := _}
The type of embeddings α ↪ β
is equivalent to
the subtype of all injective functions α → β
If α₁ ≃ α₂
and β₁ ≃ β₂
, then the type of embeddings α₁ ↪ β₁
is equivalent to the type of embeddings α₂ ↪ β₂
- h.embedding_congr h' = {to_fun := λ (f : α ↪ γ), function.embedding.congr h h' f, inv_fun := λ (f : β ↪ δ), function.embedding.congr h.symm h'.symm f, left_inv := _, right_inv := _}
A subtype {x // p x ∨ q x}
over a disjunction of p q : α → Prop
can be injectively split
into a sum of subtypes {x // p x} ⊕ {x // q x}
such that ¬ p x
is sent to the right.
A subtype {x // p x ∨ q x}
over a disjunction of p q : α → Prop
is equivalent to a sum of
subtypes {x // p x} ⊕ {x // q x}
such that ¬ p x
is sent to the right, when
disjoint p q
See also equiv.sum_compl
, for when is_compl p q
- subtype_or_equiv p q h = {to_fun := ⇑(subtype_or_left_embedding p q), inv_fun := sum.elim ⇑(subtype.imp_embedding (λ (x : α), p x) (λ (x : α), p x ∨ q x) _) ⇑(subtype.imp_embedding (λ (x : α), q x) (λ (x : α), p x ∨ q x) _), left_inv := _, right_inv := _}