Theory of filters on sets #
Main definitions #
: filters on a set;at_top
: specific filters;map
: operations on filters;tendsto
: limit with respect to filters;eventually
:f.eventually p
means{x | p x} ∈ f
:f.frequently p
means{x | ¬p x} ∉ f
;filter_upwards [h₁, ..., hₙ]
: takes a list of proofshᵢ : sᵢ ∈ f
, and replaces a goals ∈ f
with∀ x, x ∈ s₁ → ... → x ∈ sₙ → x ∈ s
;ne_bot f
: an utility class stating thatf
is a non-trivial filter.
Filters on a type X
are sets of sets of X
satisfying three conditions. They are mostly used to
abstract two related kinds of ideas:
- limits, including finite or infinite limits of sequences, finite or infinite limits of functions at a point or at infinity, etc...
- things happening eventually, including things happening for large enough
n : ℕ
, or near enough a pointx
, or for close enough pairs of points, or things happening almost everywhere in the sense of measure theory. Dually, filters can also express the idea of things happening often: for arbitrarily largen
, or at a point in any neighborhood of given a point etc...
In this file, we define the type filter X
of filters on X
, and endow it with a complete lattice
structure. This structure is lifted from the lattice structure on set (set X)
using the Galois
insertion which maps a filter to its elements in one direction, and an arbitrary set of sets to
the smallest filter containing it in the other direction.
We also prove filter
is a monadic functor, with a push-forward operation
and a pull-back operation filter.comap
that form a Galois connections for the
order on filters.
Finally we describe a product operation filter X → filter Y → filter (X × Y)
The examples of filters appearing in the description of the two motivating ideas are:
(at_top : filter ℕ)
: made of sets ofℕ
containing{n | n ≥ N}
for someN
𝓝 x
: made of neighborhoods ofx
in a topological space (defined in topology.basic)𝓤 X
: made of entourages of a uniform space (those space are generalizations of metric spaces defined in topology.uniform_space.basic)μ.ae
: made of sets whose complement has zero measure with respect toμ
(defined inmeasure_theory.measure_space
The general notion of limit of a map with respect to filters on the source and target types
is filter.tendsto
. It is defined in terms of the order and the push-forward operation.
The predicate "happening eventually" is filter.eventually
, and "happening often" is
, whose definitions are immediate after filter
is defined (but they come
rather late in this file in order to immediately relate them to the lattice structure).
For instance, anticipating on topology.basic, the statement: "if a sequence u
converges to
some x
and u n
belongs to a set M
for n
large enough then x
is in the closure of
" is formalized as: tendsto u at_top (𝓝 x) → (∀ᶠ n in at_top, u n ∈ M) → x ∈ closure M
which is a special case of mem_closure_of_tendsto
from topology.basic.
Notations #
∀ᶠ x in f, p x
:f.eventually p
;∃ᶠ x in f, p x
:f.frequently p
;f =ᶠ[l] g
:∀ᶠ x in l, f x = g x
;f ≤ᶠ[l] g
:∀ᶠ x in l, f x ≤ g x
;f ×ᶠ g f g
, localized infilter
;𝓟 s
:principal s
, localized infilter
References #
Important note: Bourbaki requires that a filter on X
cannot contain all sets of X
, which
we do not require. This gives filter X
better formal properties, in particular a bottom element
for its lattice structure, at the cost of including the assumption
[ne_bot f]
in a number of lemmas and definitions.
- sets : set (set α)
- univ_sets : set.univ ∈ self.sets
- sets_of_superset : ∀ {x y : set α}, x ∈ self.sets → x ⊆ y → y ∈ self.sets
- inter_sets : ∀ {x y : set α}, x ∈ self.sets → y ∈ self.sets → x ∩ y ∈ self.sets
A filter F
on a type α
is a collection of sets of α
which contains the whole α
is upwards-closed, and is stable under intersection. We do not forbid this collection to be
all sets of α
The principal filter of s
is the collection of all supersets of s
- 𝓟 s = {sets := {t : set α | s ⊆ t}, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}
- basic : ∀ {α : Type u} {g : set (set α)} {s : set α}, s ∈ g → filter.generate_sets g s
- univ : ∀ {α : Type u} {g : set (set α)}, filter.generate_sets g set.univ
- superset : ∀ {α : Type u} {g : set (set α)} {s t : set α}, filter.generate_sets g s → s ⊆ t → filter.generate_sets g t
- inter : ∀ {α : Type u} {g : set (set α)} {s t : set α}, filter.generate_sets g s → filter.generate_sets g t → filter.generate_sets g (s ∩ t)
generate_sets g s
: s
is in the filter closure of g
generate g
is the largest filter containing the sets g
- filter.generate g = {sets := filter.generate_sets g, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}
mk_of_closure s hs
constructs a filter on α
whose elements set is exactly
s : set (set α)
, provided one gives the assumption hs : (generate s).sets = s
- filter.mk_of_closure s hs = {sets := s, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}
Galois insertion from sets of sets into filters.
- filter.gi_generate α = {choice := λ (s : set (set α)) (hs : (filter.generate s).sets ≤ s), filter.mk_of_closure s _, gc := _, le_l_u := _, choice_eq := _}
The infimum of filters is the filter generated by intersections of elements of the two filters.
- filter.has_top = {top := {sets := {s : set α | ∀ (x : α), x ∈ s}, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}}
- filter.complete_lattice = original_complete_lattice.copy partial_order.le filter.complete_lattice._proof_1 ⊤ filter.complete_lattice._proof_2 filter.complete_lattice._proof_3 complete_lattice.sup filter.complete_lattice._proof_4 has_inf.inf filter.complete_lattice._proof_5 (filter.join ∘ 𝓟) filter.complete_lattice._proof_6 complete_lattice.Inf filter.complete_lattice._proof_7
A filter is ne_bot
if it is not equal to ⊥
, or equivalently the empty set
does not belong to the filter. Bourbaki include this assumption in the definition
of a filter but we prefer to have a complete_lattice
structure on filter, so
we use a typeclass argument in lemmas instead.
- filter.comap_fst_ne_bot
- filter.comap_snd_ne_bot
- filter.comap_eval_ne_bot
- filter.map_ne_bot
- filter.pure_ne_bot
- filter.prod_ne_bot'
- filter.coprod_ne_bot_left
- filter.coprod_ne_bot_right
- filter.at_top_ne_bot
- filter.at_bot_ne_bot
- filter.pi_inf_principal_pi.ne_bot
- filter.pi.ne_bot
- filter.Coprod_ne_bot
- filter.cofinite_ne_bot
- ultrafilter.ne_bot
- nhds_ne_bot
- filter.cocompact.filter.ne_bot
- filter.coclosed_compact.filter.ne_bot
- filter.lift'_powerset_ne_bot
- uniformity.ne_bot
- nhds_within_Ici_self_ne_bot
- nhds_within_Iic_self_ne_bot
- nhds_within_Ioi_self_ne_bot
- nhds_within_Iio_self_ne_bot
- nhds_within.filter.ne_bot
Lattice equations #
There is exactly one filter on an empty type. -
- filter.unique = {to_inhabited := {default := ⊥}, uniq := _}
There are only two filters on a subsingleton
: ⊥
and ⊤
. If the type is empty, then they are
- filter.distrib_lattice = {sup := complete_lattice.sup filter.complete_lattice, le := complete_lattice.le filter.complete_lattice, lt := filter.complete_lattice, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := complete_lattice.inf filter.complete_lattice, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _, le_sup_inf := _}
- filter.order.coframe = {sup := complete_lattice.sup filter.complete_lattice, le := complete_lattice.le filter.complete_lattice, lt := filter.complete_lattice, le_refl := _, le_trans := _, lt_iff_le_not_le := _, le_antisymm := _, le_sup_left := _, le_sup_right := _, sup_le := _, inf := complete_lattice.inf filter.complete_lattice, inf_le_left := _, inf_le_right := _, le_inf := _, Sup := complete_lattice.Sup filter.complete_lattice, le_Sup := _, Sup_le := _, Inf := Inf (conditionally_complete_lattice.to_has_Inf (filter α)), Inf_le := _, le_Inf := _, top := filter.complete_lattice, bot := filter.complete_lattice, le_top := _, bot_le := _, infi_sup_le_sup_Inf := _}
If f : ι → filter α
is directed, ι
is not empty, and ∀ i, f i ≠ ⊥
, then infi f ≠ ⊥
See also infi_ne_bot_of_directed
for a version assuming nonempty α
instead of nonempty ι
If f : ι → filter α
is directed, α
is not empty, and ∀ i, f i ≠ ⊥
, then infi f ≠ ⊥
See also infi_ne_bot_of_directed'
for a version assuming nonempty ι
instead of nonempty α
equations #
Eventually #
f.eventually p
or ∀ᶠ x in f, p x
mean that {x | p x} ∈ f
. E.g., ∀ᶠ x in at_top, p x
means that p
holds true for sufficiently large x
- filter.eventually p f = ({x : α | p x} ∈ f)
Frequently #
f.frequently p
or ∃ᶠ x in f, p x
mean that {x | ¬p x} ∉ f
. E.g., ∃ᶠ x in at_top, p x
means that there exist arbitrarily large x
for which p
holds true.
- filter.frequently p f = ¬∀ᶠ (x : α) in f, ¬p x
Relation “eventually equal” #
Push-forwards, pull-backs, and the monad structure #
The forward map of a filter
- m f = {sets := set.preimage m ⁻¹' f.sets, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}
If functions m₁
and m₂
are eventually equal at a filter f
, then
they map this filter to the same filter.
The inverse map of a filter
- filter.comap m f = {sets := {s : set α | ∃ (t : set β) (H : t ∈ f), m ⁻¹' t ⊆ s}, univ_sets := _, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}
The monadic bind operation on filter is defined the usual way in terms of map
and join
Unfortunately, this bind
does not result in the expected applicative. See filter.seq
for the
applicative instance.
- f.bind m = ( m f).join
The applicative sequentiation operation. This is not induced by the bind operation.
pure x
is the set of sets that contain x
. It is equal to 𝓟 {x}
with this definition we have s ∈ pure a
defeq a ∈ s
- filter.has_pure = {pure := λ (α : Type u) (x : α), {sets := {s : set α | x ∈ s}, univ_sets := trivial, sets_of_superset := _, inter_sets := _}}
- filter.functor = {map :=, map_const := λ (α β : Type u_1), ∘ function.const β}
The monad structure on filters.
- filter.alternative = {to_applicative := {to_functor := {map := λ (_x _x_1 : Type u_1) (x : _x → _x_1) (y : filter _x), pure x <*> y, map_const := λ (α β : Type u_1), (λ (x : β → α) (y : filter β), pure x <*> y) ∘ function.const β}, to_has_pure := filter.has_pure, to_has_seq := filter.has_seq, to_has_seq_left := {seq_left := λ (α β : Type u_1) (a : filter α) (b : filter β), (λ (_x _x_1 : Type u_1) (x : _x → _x_1) (y : filter _x), pure x <*> y) α (β → α) (function.const β) a <*> b}, to_has_seq_right := {seq_right := λ (α β : Type u_1) (a : filter α) (b : filter β), (λ (_x _x_1 : Type u_1) (x : _x → _x_1) (y : filter _x), pure x <*> y) α (β → β) (function.const α id) a <*> b}}, to_has_orelse := {orelse := λ (α : Type u_1) (x y : filter α), x ⊔ y}, failure := λ (α : Type u_1), ⊥}
and comap
equations #
The variables in the following lemmas are used as in this diagram:
α → β
θ ↓ ↓ ψ
γ → δ
- filter.can_lift = {coe := can_lift.coe, cond := λ (f : filter α), ∀ᶠ (x : α) in f, can_lift.cond β x, prf := _}
equations #
Limits #
is the generic "limit of a function" predicate.
tendsto f l₁ l₂
asserts that for every l₂
neighborhood a
the f
-preimage of a
is an l₁
- filter.tendsto f l₁ l₂ = ( f l₁ ≤ l₂)
Alias of tendsto_iff_comap
If two filters are disjoint, then a function cannot tend to both of them along a non-trivial filter.
Products of filters #
Product of filters. This is the filter generated by cartesian products of elements of the component filters.
- f ×ᶠ g = filter.comap prod.fst f ⊓ filter.comap prod.snd g
Coproducts of filters #
Coproduct of filters.
- f.coprod g = filter.comap prod.fst f ⊔ filter.comap prod.snd g
Characterization of the coproduct of the
s of two principal filters 𝓟 {a}
𝓟 {i}
, the first under the constant function λ a, b
and the second under the identity function.
Together with the next lemma, map_prod_map_const_id_principal_coprod_principal
, this provides an
example showing that the inequality in the lemma map_prod_map_coprod_le
can be strict.
Characterization of the
of the coproduct of two principal filters 𝓟 {a}
𝓟 {i}
, under the
of two functions, respectively the constant function λ a, b
and the
identity function. Together with the previous lemma,
, this provides an example showing that the inequality
in the lemma map_prod_map_coprod_le
can be strict.