mathlib documentation


Quadratic reciprocity. #

This file contains results about quadratic residues modulo a prime number.

We define the Legendre symbol (a / p) as legendre_sym p a. Note the order of arguments! The advantage of this form is that then legendre_sym p is a multiplicative map.

The main results are the law of quadratic reciprocity, quadratic_reciprocity, as well as the interpretations in terms of existence of square roots depending on the congruence mod 4, exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_one, and exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_three.

Also proven are conditions for -1 and 2 to be a square modulo a prime, exists_sq_eq_neg_one_iff_mod_four_ne_three and exists_sq_eq_two_iff

Implementation notes #

The proof of quadratic reciprocity implemented uses Gauss' lemma and Eisenstein's lemma

theorem zmod.euler_criterion_units (p : ) [fact ( p)] (x : (zmod p)ˣ) :
(∃ (y : (zmod p)ˣ), y ^ 2 = x) x ^ (p / 2) = 1

Euler's Criterion: A unit x of zmod p is a square if and only if x ^ (p / 2) = 1.

theorem zmod.euler_criterion (p : ) [fact ( p)] {a : zmod p} (ha : a 0) :
(∃ (y : zmod p), y ^ 2 = a) a ^ (p / 2) = 1

Euler's Criterion: a nonzero a : zmod p is a square if and only if x ^ (p / 2) = 1.

theorem zmod.exists_sq_eq_neg_one_iff_mod_four_ne_three (p : ) [fact ( p)] :
(∃ (y : zmod p), y ^ 2 = -1) p % 4 3
theorem zmod.pow_div_two_eq_neg_one_or_one (p : ) [fact ( p)] {a : zmod p} (ha : a 0) :
a ^ (p / 2) = 1 a ^ (p / 2) = -1
def zmod.legendre_sym (p : ) (a : ) :

The Legendre symbol of a and p, legendre_sym p a, is an integer defined as

  • 0 if a is 0 modulo p;
  • 1 if a ^ (p / 2) is 1 modulo p (by euler_criterion this is equivalent to “a is a square modulo p”);
  • -1 otherwise.

Note the order of the arguments! The advantage of the order chosen here is that legendre_sym p is a multiplicative function ℤ → ℤ.

theorem zmod.legendre_sym_eq_pow (p : ) (a : ) [hp : fact ( p)] :
theorem zmod.gauss_lemma (p : ) [fact ( p)] {a : } (hp : p 2) (ha0 : a 0) :
zmod.legendre_sym p a = (-1) ^ (finset.filter (λ (x : ), p / 2 < ((a) * x).val) (finset.Ico 1 (p / 2).succ)).card

Gauss' lemma. The legendre symbol can be computed by considering the number of naturals less than p/2 such that (a * x) % p > p / 2

theorem zmod.legendre_sym_eq_one_iff (p : ) [fact ( p)] {a : } (ha0 : a 0) :
zmod.legendre_sym p a = 1 ∃ (b : zmod p), b ^ 2 = a
theorem zmod.eisenstein_lemma (p : ) [fact ( p)] (hp : p 2) {a : } (ha1 : a % 2 = 1) (ha0 : a 0) :
zmod.legendre_sym p a = (-1) ^ ∑ (x : ) in finset.Ico 1 (p / 2).succ, x * a / p
theorem zmod.quadratic_reciprocity (p q : ) [fact ( p)] [fact ( q)] (hp1 : p 2) (hq1 : q 2) (hpq : p q) :
(zmod.legendre_sym q p) * zmod.legendre_sym p q = (-1) ^ (p / 2) * (q / 2)

Quadratic reciprocity theorem

theorem zmod.legendre_sym_two (p : ) [fact ( p)] (hp2 : p 2) :
zmod.legendre_sym p 2 = (-1) ^ (p / 4 + p / 2)
theorem zmod.exists_sq_eq_two_iff (p : ) [fact ( p)] (hp1 : p 2) :
(∃ (a : zmod p), a ^ 2 = 2) p % 8 = 1 p % 8 = 7
theorem zmod.exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_one (p q : ) [fact ( p)] [fact ( q)] (hp1 : p % 4 = 1) (hq1 : q 2) :
(∃ (a : zmod p), a ^ 2 = q) ∃ (b : zmod q), b ^ 2 = p
theorem zmod.exists_sq_eq_prime_iff_of_mod_four_eq_three (p q : ) [fact ( p)] [fact ( q)] (hp3 : p % 4 = 3) (hq3 : q % 4 = 3) (hpq : p q) :
(∃ (a : zmod p), a ^ 2 = q) ¬∃ (b : zmod q), b ^ 2 = p